the head hath ſome properties, that betokeneth default of kinde, as it appeareth in heads wonderfully ſhapen. For Ariſtotle. liber. 12. ſaith, that ſometime it happeneth, that one heart is in a beaſt, and yet it ſéemeth to haue two heads, or many members. And contrariwiſe, ſometime there ſéemeth to be two hearts and other members, and yet there is but one head. But all this is euill ſhape. And that falleth not but by errour of kinde, eyther ſuperfluitie of matter, either elſe by ſailing of vertue, as Ariſtotle proueth liber. 18. Where he ſaith, that the cauſe of ſuch euill ſhape is not but in the matter. And then it followeth. Such euill ſhape happeneth in beaſts that gender many broods, and happeneth ſelde in women except it bée in women of Aegypt, yt beare many children more then in other Countries, or more then women of other lands, except there, where other women bée like to the women of Aegypt. Alſo when the head, which is the roote of all the bodye, and of all corporall vertues, the firſt and principall foundation, is well diſpoſed and ordered, all that bee vnder the head, bée in ye better diſpoſition and ſtate. And againewarde, if the head bée corrupt and diſtemporate, with Sinthoma, of corruption of head ach: néedes muſt the neather members of the bodye be diſeaſed. Sometime the head is diſeaſed with an inwarde cauſe, as by theſe paſſions that bréede and come of the braine, with ſuch as long thereto, as it fareth in the head ach, phrenſie, and Epilencia, the falling Euill, and ſuch other. And ſometime he is diſeaſed by an outward cauſe, as by chaunge of heate, or colde, or otherwiſe diſtempered ayre, or anye other reaſon. And ſometime by ioyning and binding of other members. As fareth in the ſtomake, that is full of corrupt humours, for the fumoſities delaide, by reaſon they be nigh, they couet to come to the braine, and the hollowneſſe, if they finde any voide, to fill: and they thruſt and ſtretch the ſkinnes of the braine, and ſo pricking, they breede ach in the ſame ſkinnes. Alſo the ſame commeth of great faſting and abſtinence, as it fareth in them, that faſt and wake too much. For as Galen ſayth, long watching breedeth head ach. Alſo the ſame commeth of great reſection, as it happeneth in dronken men: For the ſuperfluitie of ſumoſitie that commeth of winde, commeth vp to the braine, & puncheth and pricketh it; and maketh the head to ake and ſuffer many euil paſſions. Alſo Conſtantine ſaith, that all the ach of the head commeth of the ſtomacke reléeued, when the ſtomacke is voyded, and is augmented, when the ſtomacke is filled with meate, that tourneth into euill qualyties.
Alſo as Ariſtotle ſayth liber. 12. Kinde hath ordeined in the head wittes and inſtruments of wittes, by the nobyltye of them, and as it néedeth to the beaſt. And therefore kinde hath ſet the eyen in the formoſt and vpper parte of the head becauſe the beaſt ſhall ſée what is afore him. For the witte of ſight is more ſubtill and more noble then other wittes. Kinde hath ſet the inſtruments of hearing in the middeſt of the round head: for limmes of hearing, heare not onely forth right, but all about. Kinde hath ſet the wit of ſmelling after the eyen, as middle and meane betwéene the ſight and the taaſt. For the wit of ſmelling is more boiſtous then the ſight, and more ſubſtill then the taaſt. The tongue is ſette laſt, that is the inſtrument and limme of taaſt and touch, the working whereof is about great and boiſtous ſubſtaunce. And ſo if the wits be ſo ordeined, the head is perfect and perfection and ornament of all the body. And as Ariſtotle ſaith, the limmes and wits be not ſo well ſet in the heads of foure footed and vnreaſonable beaſtes. For the eares of ſuch beaſts bée in the ouer parts of the head: and ſo appeareth that ſuch a beaſt is not right, neither vpright of bodie, but looking downward to the earth. Alſo ſometime kinde goeth out of the way and erreth in ſome men wonderfully ſhapen, that haue all the body of a man, ſaue onely the head. For they haue the face lyke a grim beaſt, or as a hound, as Solinus telleth. Alſo kind erreth in ſome beaſts ſtrāgly ſhapē, as it