Page:Batman upon Bartolome.djvu/16

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THIS booke, beeing firſt ſet forth, in the yere of our Lord God. 1360. The Author whereof is reported to be a Franciſcan Frier, of the noble familie of the Earles of Suffolke, (named Barthelmew Glantuile)[1] who ſtudeouſly gathered this ſingular worke, for the moſt part, of the properties of thoſe things the which he had found written in the Bible, to the onelye benefit of his Countrie: which booke, was had in great eſtimation among the learned, as well beyond the ſeas as at home, vntill within 60, yeares paſt, there ſprang vp famous, and worthy perſons, of ſingular perſeuerance and learning: which from the courſe of auncient beginnings, ſet foorth the ſame that was formally written of, with additions aunſwerable to time preſent, vſing new Titles, wherevnto is added ſo much as hath bene brought to light by the trauaile of others, as Conradus Geſner of Tygure, Phiſition, writing of the nature of beaſts, birds, fiſhes, & Serpents, Fuchſius, Mathiolus, Theophraſtus, Paracelſus, and Dodoneus, theſe wrote of the natures, operations and effects of Hearbs, Plants, Trees, Fruit, Seeds, Mettalls and Mineralls. Sebaſtian Munſter, Henry Cornelius Agrippa, and others of Aſtronomie and Coſmographie. Abraham Ortelius of Antwarpe for maps & diſcriptions: all which woorkes hath done great good in diuerſe and ſundrie Common wealths. I haue therefore as an imitator of the learned, for the good will I bare to my countrie, collected forth of theſe aforeſaid Authors, the like deuiſes, which they in times paſt gathered of their elders, and ſo renuing the whole booke, as is apparant by additions, is brought home, the Maſter, the Pilot, and the profit thereto belonging, deſiring the well acceptation of the ſame, and the friendly correction, if anye wordes ſhall happen to be miſtearmed in the imprinting (hoping that there will be found very fewe.) Farewell in the Lord Ieſus, from whoſe magnificence floweth the ſpirituall knowledge of our perfection, both heere and in the world to come.


Stephan Batman, profeſsour in Diuinitie.

  1. Bale in his diſcription of Britaine, printed A.D. 1548, reherſeth Barthelemw, but not Glantule, to be in Edward the 3. time.