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Dionyſius Areopagita, a famous Philoſopher of Athens, and Diſciple to Saynt Paule. He onelye, of all the Heathen Philoſophers, beléeued Saint Paule preaching of Ieſus Chriſt.

And before, when as he was in Aegypt, whether hée went for learning ſake, and beeing there, together with Appollophanes who was his Inſtructour, beyonde all compaſſe of reaſon did ſee the Eclipſe that was at the death of Chriſt: Eyther (ſayd he) the God of Nature ſuffereth vyolence, or els the Frame of this worlde will be now diſſolued. He wrote to Timotheus Biſhoppe of Epheſus, twelue bookes De Diuinis nominibus, of the heauenlye Hierarchie, and manye other excellent workes, as Suydas witneſſeth.

Eſcicius or Euſcicius. Diſciple to Gregorius Nazianzenus.

Euſebius Pamphilius, Biſhoppe of Caeſarea in Palaeſtine, wrote tenne Bookes of the Eccleſiaſticall Hiſtorye. He was about the yeare of our Lorde, after Sebaſtian Munſter, thrée hundred fiue, after Cronicarum, thrée hundred ſeauen.

Eraclytus, or Heraclytus, a Philoſopher, which alwayes wept when he behelde the People, conſidering how buſie they wer to gather treaſure, and how negligent in the well bringing vppe of their children: his workes, of purpoſe were obſcure, and harde to be vnderſtoode. When hée was olde, hée fell into a Dropſie, in which, neglecting Phiſitions, he wrapped himſelfe in Cow dounge, and ſo lyeng a ſleepe in the Sunne, was torne and deuoured of Dogges. He had no maſter, but by his owne nature and dilygence preuayled to great knowledge: he lyued in the time of the laſt Darius, and wrote manye things of Philoſophie in vearſes. Ariſtotle doth often vſe his teſtimony. He was about the yeare before Chriſts incarnation, foure hundred eightie, Sebas. Munſter.


Euclides, the name of a famous Geometrician, Scholar to Socrates, of Megarenſis, a Countrey in Achaia, about the yeare foure hundred twentie & two, before Chriſts Incarnation.

Egidius, a Greeke Philoſopher. Alſo a Phiſition, and a Monarke, who wrote diuers Bookes, among the which he tituled one, De venis. He flouriſhed about the yeare of our Lord, ſeuen hundred fourteene.

Fulgencius, of the Nation of Apher in Aphrica, Biſhoppe of Rupenſis or Ruſpenſis, an excellent Doctour. To theſe thrée Prouinces hee trauayled, in Sardinia, in Affrica, and among the Vandales, to eſtabliſh the Chriſtian faith, both by teaching, preaching, and perſwading. He wrote thrée ſpeciall Bookes. De Trinitate, De libero arbitrio, De regulis fidei, with diuers others. He flouriſhed about the yeare of Chriſt 500.


Gregorius called Nazianzen, leauing his ſtudye of Philoſophie, with all naturall Sciences, did with Baſilius of Cappadocia, fall to the reading of holy Scriptures. Hee was of noble Parentage, and a Romane borne. He wrote to Procopius, that hée neuer ſawe a good ende of anye of the Counſayles, among the Biſhoppes of Rome. Therefore affirming that all of them had euill endes he left not much authoritie to be attributed vnto theyr Decrees and Counſayles. Alley, and Legenda, Authours.

Gilbertus Magnus, a verye learned Writer, who flouriſhed about the yeare of our Lorde, nine hundred ninetye and two. There was alſo another of that name, beeing called Gilbertus Anti Papa, that contended agaynſt Gregorye the Pope, in the yeare one thouſande ſeauentie and ſixe. For the Papacie betwirte theſe two Prelated and theyr aſſiſtauntes, as it appeareth in Supplimentum Supplimenti Cronicarum, was much ſlaughter, bloud ſhedde, and diſcorde. Libro. 12.

Galenus the ſonne of Nicon a famous Geometritian: In Phiſicke hée was ſo excellent, as hée may iuſtly ſeeme