A GENERALL TABLE, CONTAINING THE number of the Chapters in euery ſeuerall booke, and how to finde the eſpeciall matters contained in the ſame.
Liber primus.OF the Trinitie. fol. 1. Of one and his vnitie. fol. 2. ¶Liber Secundus, containeth 20. chapters.The firſt of Angells. 2. What Angel is, after Damaſcenus. 3. Why an Angell in bodyly ſhape is painted. 4 How Angells be deſcribed. 5 How Angells be compared to materiall thinges. 6 of the order of Angells Hierarchies. 7 of three Hierarchies. 8 of the order of Seraphin. 9 of the order of Cherubin. 10 of the order of Thrones. 11 of the middle Hierarchy. 12 of the order of dominaons. 13 of the order of Principatus. 14 of the order of Poteſtates, or potentates. 15 of the third Hierarchy. 16 of the order of vertues. 17 of the order of Archangells. 18 of the order of Angells. 19 of euill Angells. 20 of peruerſe Angells. ¶Liber tertius, containing Chapters. 24.Of the properties of the ſoule. 1 of the diſcription of man. 2 of the inner man. 3 of the ſoule. 4 How the ſoule is decribed |
of the Philoſophers.
5 Howe the ſoule tooke name. 6 Of the powers of the ſoule. 7 The ſame to be Vegetabilis in working, Senſibilis through life, Rationalis by perceiuing. 8 of the ſoule Vegetabile. 9 of the ſoule ſenſible. 10 of the inner ſence. 11 of the vertue of ſenſitiue imagination. 12 of the vertue motiue. 13 of the reaſonable ſoule. 14 of the vertues of the ſoule. 15 of the vitall vertue. 16 of the Animall vertue. 17 of the viſible vertue. 18 of hearing. 19 of Smelling. 20 of the taſt. 21 of touching. 22 of thoſe things that are required to the perfection of nature. 23 The pulſes. 24 of the diuerſitie of pulſes.
¶Liber quartus containeth chapters. 11.1 Of the foure qualities Elementaries. 2 of coldneſſe. 3 of drouth. 4 of moiſture. 5 of meate and drinke. 6 of humours, of the generation, effect, and working of them. 7 of bloud. 8 of the euill propertye of bloud. 9 of Fleame. 10 of Cholar. 11 of Melancholy. |
¶Liber quintus containeth chapters. 66.1 of the properties of the members in generall. 2 of the propertyes of the head. 3 of the braine. 4 of Caluaria, the ſkull. 5 of the eyen. 6 of the diſpoſition of the eyes. 7 of the blacke of the eye. 8 of the eie liddes. 9 of the browes. 10 of the forehead. 11 of the Temples. 12 of the Eares. 13 of the noſe. 14 of the cheekes. 15 of the beard. 16 of the iawes. 17 of the lips. 18 of the chinne. 19 of the mouth. 20 of the teeth. 21 The properties of Spettle. 22 of the voice. 23 of the throate. 24 of the necke. 25 of the ſhoulders. 26 of the armes. 27 28 of the hands. 29 of the fingers. 30 of the nailes. 31 of the ſide. 32 of the backe. 33 of the breaſt. 34 of the Paps. 35 of the lungs. 36 of the heart. 37 of the breath. 38 of the ſtomacke. 39 of the liuer. 40 of the gall. 41 of the ſplene. 42 of the bowells. 43 of the kidneyes.