¶Another Table containing the principall matters in this Booke, and where to finde them.
Liber. 1. 2.
OF Contrition, confeſſion, and ſatiſfaction. |
folio. 2
Of the aeternitie. fol. 2. |
Scala vnitatis.
Preſumption the woorke of Diſorder. chapt. 7. |
folio. 5
Of Archangels that are aboue Ang. |
fo. 9
Of the ſoule, cap. 18. folio. 10. |
Liber. 3.
Of the ſoule to be, to be well, to be beſt, cap. 3. |
folio. 16
The ſight of the eye, cap. 17 |
folio. 18
When inſtrumēts ſound beſt, ca. 18. |
fo. 19
Naturalis, Vitalis, Animalis, cap. 22. |
fol. 22.
Liber. 4.
The equalitio of elements, cap. 4. |
fol. 27
Cauſe of Surfet, cap. 5. |
fol: 28.
Addition. 3.
Of the ceremonies of the dead, ca. 7. Addition. |
fo. 2
Agilitie of women, cap. 7. |
folio. 30
Liber. 5.
Lamiae or night conſumers, cap. 2. |
fol. 36
The place of imagination, cap. 3. |
fol. 36. b
Tokens of the brain diſtepred, ca. 3. |
fo. 37
Of forgetfulneſſe, ca. 5. |
fol. 38. Addition.
To know if the ſick ſhall dye, ca. 7. |
fo. 39
A token of death, cap. 13. |
folio. 42.
The benefite of concert is ſpeach, ca. 9 |
folio. 44
Madneſſe and forgetfulneſſe, ca. 21. |
fo. 46
Mans faſting ſpettle doth kill Serpent, cap. 21. |
folio. 46.b
Flyes haue none other ſound but by their wings, cap. 22. |
folio. 47
Cauſe of bloud, cap. 24. |
folio. 48
Humours, cap. 26. |
folio. 49
Of foure kindes of leproſie, ca. 28. |
foli. 50
The Goute in the feete, Idem. |
Of conſumption, cap. 32. |
foli. 53
Of vntimely birth, cap. 34 |
fol. 53.b
Anoyance of the heart, cap. 36. |
The harmonie of the elemental humors, cap. 41. |
Carnall luſt, cap. 49. |
fol. 62. Addition.
Corruption of the Fleſh, cap. 62. |
Liber. 6.
Of conception, cap. 4. |
folio. 72
Of chuſing wholſome Nurſes, ca. 5. |
Of taking heede of matching with an
vncleane Stocke, cap. 6. |
fol. 73
Againſt dronkenneſſe, cap. 20. |
Of modeſt Muſike, cap. 23. |
A diſquiet minde is enemie to digeſtion, cap. 24. |
Liber. 7.
Hemicranis, the megrime, cap. 3. |
folio. 87
A hot impoſtume, cap. 5. |
Three kindes of falling Euills, chapt. 10 folio. 90. |
Foure kindes of crampes, cap. 13. Addition. |
Depriuation of ſight, cap. 20. |
Of ſtinking breath, cap. 23. |
Mans body is of ſpirite, humor, & members, cap. 33. |
Of Dropſies in the belly, cap. 52. |
Goute in the ioyntes, cap. 57. |
About what time the French Poxe began, cap. 66. |
Liber. 8.
The celeſtiall world, cap. 1. |
folio. 118
Concerning the heauens, ca. 3. |
122. Ad.
Caſtor & Pollux, cap. 12. |
Why the Planets were called by proper names, cap. 23. |
130. Addition.
The Sunne eight times as big as the earth, cap. 28. |
Of the twelue orders of bleſſed ſpirites, cap. 45. |
140. Addition.
Lib. 9.
Mans lyfe is comprehended in ſeauen triumphs, cap. 2.folio, |
Note all the Additions vnto the eleuenth chapter folio 146. and |
Foure manner of reſiſting temptations, cap. 30. |
Liber. 10.
Containeth the operation of fire.
Liber. 11.
That the cloudes be neerer to the earth, then to heauen, cap. 4. |
folio. 160.b
Of the renewing of the Rain-bow, Idem folio, |
ca. 5,
That the Rain-bow ſhall not be ſeene fortìe yeares before the Dome.
A note of great ſecret. |
Liber. 12.
The Graſhoper maketh noyſe, not by