Page:Batman upon Bartolome.djvu/38

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Kit, cut off.

Leden, guide, Lore, ſkill. Leches, ſurgeons. Lendes the flankes and thigh.

Melling, conioyning. Malſhragges, Caterpillers Palmers, & Cankers. Menace, to threten. Miſticke, ſecret. Much, is taken for quantitie. Meede, reward. Nemped, diſcloſed. Neneeuen, Temperance. Nenet, will not. Neſh, ſofte.

Obſtacle, ſtubborne or wilfull. Onid, mixed and ioyned. Out take, except.

Pampination, pulling leaues, that grow too thicke. Partner, pertaker, ſometime for a companion. Percaſe, likelihood.

Quitted, to diſcharge.

Ruthe, pitie or compaſſion. Ripe men, harueſters, & learned men. Rock, ſhake. Rabbiſh, foole hardie, or malepart, & ſnatching. Reeſes, waues of the ſea. Renleth, mixed together. Reling, muldering or ready to fall a ſunder.

Stretchable, vpright. Siker, ſafe. Spirituelte, puruie or well meaning. Shapes, differences of bodies. Stempnes, ſubiections. Stable, ſtedfaſt. Sturdie, ſtoute,

ſtrong or valiant. Stithe, afrend or clime. Stammering,doubtfull. Stalking, slow going. Speedfull, ready. Squitter, menſtruall, or matter corrupt: ſternes, fierceneſſe, or ſtubborne. Sauation, ſaluation, or preſeruation. Spended, conſumed. Smacke, taaſte. Seecheth, ſéeketh, ſhaad, ſhadow. Sikerly, warely or ſafelye. Signeth, expreſſeth.

Thraldome, Bondage, Thyted, cut, as with a knife. Tourmentes, Engines. Trow, ſuppoſe or déeme. Thirleth, pearceth, entermixeth or ſetteleth.

Vncunning, wanting ſkill. Vnweuid, vnperfect worke. Violaceus, fretting. Vores, forowes of land. Vindimation, gathering ripe grapes. Vnneth, ſearely.

Welthfull. fruitfull. Wittie, diſexéete: Wreche, reuenge. Woſen, the ſtrot boll, or entraunce to the ſtomacke. Woodnes, madneſſe. Weene, to thinke. Wappeng, quaking. Woos, vapour. Woo, griefe of minde. Welkin, the bright aire aboue the cloudes.