-gers, or Princes of messenges, as sayth Isidore. For they holde the Principate among Angels, termed Dukes, leaders, and Princes. For vnder their order, to euery of the Angells their offices are assigned: For Archangells be aboue Angells,[1] as it is said in Zachary, where the greater Angell sayd to the lesse: Go & teach this childe, &c. For if it were so in the office of Angells, that the greater appointed not the lower, they would not hade said so, speaking as to a man: it seemeth therefore that one Angell learneth of another. These Archangelles are oft knowen by their proper names, so that by their names, their conditions and workes be shewed. For[2] Gabriel was sent to the holye Uirgin, to giue warning that he was comming, that should haue the victory against ye stends, that are called, Aere Potestates. Gabriel signifieth ye Fortitude of God. And Raphael, the Medicine of God, & was sent to Toby,[3] and did lay medicines to Tobies eyen, & healed him of his blindnesse, and so of other, Hetherto speaketh Isidore. lib. 7. cap. 5. Gregorie saith: that the office of these Angelles is to teache good men, and help them of those things that concerne theyr faith, as of the comming of Gods sonne, and of his déedes and lawes. Denys faith, that it belongeth in Archangells, to shewe Prophecies to Prophets, and to put off frendes that haue mastrie buenmen, that they gréeue them no more: as it belongeth to Potestates to put off euill Angels, that they take not vpon them things that belongeth to God. Also Archangells are more worthy then the inferiour Angelles, and they be séene before other in message, because they be more perfect, so that both great and lesse, be seruiceable to the setting forth of the glorie of God: and by theyr dilygence the lower Angells are informed towarde God, as much as is possible. Also they consent in one vnitie, gathering Angelles to that chiefe Principium, in teaching of the Angells vnder them by ordinate leadings and vse, by the which it belongeth to teach and to lead the other neather. Angelles that follow. Also these Archangells be in the middes, among the orders of the neathermost. Hierarchie: and therfore they take illuminations and shinings of the higher Angells, and the same shewe and teach forth to the nether Angells: in the which Angells of all Angells, the disposition Hierarchie is perfectlye constitute, fulfilled and complete of thrée ternaries of the orders of Heauen.
¶ Of the order of Angells. Cap. 18.
The ninth and the last order of Angelles. Angelus in Greeke, Malach in Hebrewe, Nuncius in Latine: and is to vnderstande a Messenger in Englysh and in French. For Angelles were wont to come in message, and giue prophets warning of our Lordes will. Angelus is a name of office, and not of kinde: for an Angel is alwaye a spirite, and is named Angelus first; when hee is sent in message. Paynters paynt Angells with feathers and with wings, to be token theyr swifte passing and mouing, as Fables of Poettes tell that Windes haue feathers, as it is written,Qui ambulat super pennas ventorum.[4] Hetherto be Isidores words, lib. 7. cap. 5.
Denys sayth, that the Angels of the nether order, be not partners of the illuminations of ye higher orders: for they part not with thē, but they take part of thē. For ye higher Angels first take illuminations of God, & then beare they illuminations forth to the knowledge of other, and be called the first messengers: and the other be called after, and the last messengers. Also Denys saith, that Angells lifte vp or inspyre, and bring men to the knowing of GOD, and teach and informe them that they maye lyue righteouslye.
Therefore, though these Angelles haue no other lower Angelles vnder them, and are not aboue any other Angelles, not they haue vnder them the Orders of men, ouer whome they are ordayners and disposed of them.
- ↑ Zac. 2.3.4 The Angell that talked with mee went forth and an other Angell went out to meet him & said unto him: run, speak to the young man, and say Ierusalem shall be inhabited without walles.
- ↑ Luk. 1. 19. 26. I am Gabriel, that stande in the presence of God, & am sent to speak unto thee &c.
- ↑ Tob. 12.15 I am Raphael one of the 7 holy Angelles, which present the praiers of the saints &c.
- ↑ Psa. 104.3