or the Battle of the FROGS and MICE.
First round their Legs the circling Greaves were clos'd,Which the thin Rind of foodful Beans compos'd. A Cat's-Skin next, with curious Labour drest, And stuck with Feathers, serv'd to guard the Breast,Bright polish'd Bucklers, form'd of lucid Horn, The little Soldiers loaded Hands adorn. A brazen Needle ev'ry Hero bore, And ev'ry head a hollow Nut-shell wore, Such were the Mice! So on the Plain thy stood Breathing Revenge and Slaughter, War and Blood!
Now when to the proud Frogs these Tidings came, They all with eager Haste forsook the Stream;And to one Place retiring sought to know How they might best prevent th' impending Blow.
But while they sate, attentive with Surprize, And wondring whence this Tumult should arise, Full in their View Embasichytros stands; The glitt'ring Scepter grac'd his holy Hands) And thus the Chief, secure from hostile Harms,Invites 'em forth to prove their Strength in Arms.