or the Battle of the FROGS and MICE.
Nor shall the Frogs by me be rais'd to Fame,Since they, when from the Field of Blood I came,Spent by long Labours, by long Toils opprest,(Fools as they were!) presum'd to break my Rest.With aking Head and sleepless Eyes I lay,Till the loud Cock proclaim'd the dawning Day.Cease then, ye Gods! to aid the warring Bands,Lest ye should feel the Force of mortal Hands.Be Heav'n the Seat of our Abode To-day,Pleas'd to look down from hence, and view the horrid Fray.
So spake the Goddess: All the Pow'rs approv'd,And to one Place with one Consent they mov'd:While the loud Hornets, issuing forth in Sight,To either Host proclaim'd th' approaching Fight;Their breathing Trumpets rattled through the Sky,And Jove in Thunder told the War was nigh.
By brave Hypsiboas first Lichenor dies;The pointed Javelin through his Navel flies:Prone sinks the breathless Body on the Plain,And Dust and Gore the beauteous Hairs distain.