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The Battle of Chevy-Chace

God proſper long our noble king,
our lives and ſafeties all:
A woeful hunting once there did
in Chevy Chace befal.
To drive the deer, with hound and horn,
Lord Percy took his way:
The child may rue that is unborn
the hunting of that day.

The stout Earl of Northumberland
a vow to God did make,
His pleasure in the Scotiſh woods
three ſummer days to take;
The choiceſt harts in Chevy Chace,
to kill and bear away;
The tidings to Earl Douglas came
in Scotland, where he lay:

Who ſent Earl Percy preſent word,
he would prevent his ſport,
The Engliſh Earl not fearing this,
did to the woods reſort:
With full twenty huadred bowmen bold,
all choſen men of might,
Who know full well, in time of need,
to aim their ſhafts aright.

The gallant greyhounds ſwiftly ran
to chace the fallow deer;
On Monday they began to hunt,
when daylight did appear;
And, long before high noon, they had
a hundred fat bucks ſlain;
Then having din'd, the rovers went
to rouſe them up again.

The bowmen muſter'd on the hills,

well able to endure;