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The result of this public indignation was visibly in favour of the "good old cause." Accurate engravings of Graham of Clavers were brought forward. In opposition to the romantic paintings of the novelist, the harsh features of his iron face were revealed; and the tout ensemble' exhibited an exterior in every respect befitting the gloomy and dark soul of a man whose hands were dipped in human blood to the wrists!—And in the late aditional details of his public character, it has been satisfactorily shown, from the most authentic documents, that 'the gallant and enterprising officer' of Hume and of the Tories, was a cold blooded murderer of the unarmed peasantry; that he shot down, without trial or form of law, free citizens on their lands, and by their own fire-sides; that he belonged to that licenced banditti, the oppressors of their country, who 'employed even the sagacity of blood hounds to discover the lurking places of the patriots and martyrs,' whom they butchered in the presence of their wives and crying babes. See Laing's History of Scotland, vol. ii, and Scottish Worthies, &c., passim.

Another consequence of this national excitement was a holy zeal, which put forth its

    complished scholar, was the companion of Lord Cardross Sir Walter erred egrigiously in putting such disgusting cant into the lips of such gentlemen, patriots, and martyrs as these!