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Then thinking for to cross us,
They rallying all their forces,
Both of foot and horses,
To make their last attempt.
The Scots cried out with bravery,
We disdain their English knavery,
We'll ne'er be brought to slavery,
Till our last blood be spent.

With fresh courage they did engage,
And manfully made for the charge,
With their broadswords and their targe,
Most boldly then they stood.
The third it was very sore,
Thousands lay reeking in their gore,
The like was never done before,
The fields did swim in blood.

The English could no longer stay,
In great confusion fled away,
And sore they do lament the day
That they came there to fight.
Cummin cried, chase them, do not spare,
Quick as the hound does chase the hare,
And many an one ta'en prisoner,
That day upon the flight.

The Douglas, Campbells, and the Hays,
The Gordons from the river Spey,
So boldly as they fought that day,

With the brave Montgomerie.