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The Battle of Waterloo.

COME, all you valiant heroes bold,

I pray you lend an ear,

There was not ſuch a battle fought,
no, not this many a year.
All on the plains of Waterloo,
on the 18th day of June,
Againſt the proud ſons of France,
we pull’d their Emperor down.

CHOR. As on the plains of Waterloo,
it was a bloody fray,
And ages yet unborn,
ſhall read the glories of that day.

’Twas on the 16th day of June
the battle it began,
With courage bold each hero fought,
with valour every man,
And at the hour of 12 o’clock
began the bloody fight,
And the battle was not ended,
till it dropt the veil of night.

’Twas on the 17th day of June,
about the hour of nine,
The Britiſh and the Pruſſians
their armies did combine,
The Duke of Wellington came up
all with a warlike band,
Come, come, my boys, we’ll beat them down,
while we have power to ſtand,