Page:Battle of the Boyn, o(r), King William crosing (sic) the Boyn Water.pdf/5

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With hat in hand his valiant men
he thank'd for their behaviour.

We'll sheath our swords and rest a while,
in time we'll follow after,
These words King William spoke with a smile,
that day he cross'd the water

That patern day proved too hot,
for King James and his army,
He would rather choose for to retreat,
than stand and be disarm'd.

We'll give our pray'rs both night and day,
both now and ever after
And let me ne'er forget the day
King James ran from the water.


LEAVE off your tittle tattle,
And I'll tell you of a battle,
Where claymore and targe did rattle,
At Rosline on the Lee.
Ten thousand Scottish Laddies,
Drest in their tartan plaidies,
With blue bonnets cockadies
A pleasant sight to see.
Commanded by Sir Simon Fraser,
Who was as bold a Ceasar,
Great Alexander never,
Could exceed that Hero bold,
And by brave Sir John Cummin

When he saw the foes coming,