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He would rather chase for to retreat,
than to stand and be disarmed.

We'll give our prayers both night and day,
both now and ever after,
And let us ne'er forget the day,
King James ran from the water.


It fell upon a Martinmas time,
And a gay time it was then,
When our goodwife got puddings to make,
And she boil'd them in a pan.

The wind sae cauld blew south and north,
And blew into the floor
Quoth our goodman to our goodwife,
"Get up and bar the door"

"My hand is in my hussy’s skap,
Goodman as you may see,
An it should na be barr'd this hundred year,
It's no be barr'd for me"

They made a paction 'tween them twa,
They made it firm and sure,