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G. P. Putnam & Son.

CAVÉ. THE CAVÉ METHOD OF LEARNING TO DRAW FROM MEMORY. By Madame E. Cavé. From 4th Parisian edition. 12mo, cloth, $1.

This is the only method of drawing which really teaches anything. In publishing the remarkable treatise, in which she unfolds, with surpassing interest, the results of her observations upon the teaching of drawing, and the ingenious methods she applies, Madame Cave … renders invaluable service to all who have marked out for themselves a career of Art."—Extract from a long review in the Revue des Deux Mondes, written by Delacroix.

"It is interesting and valuable."—D. Huntington, Prest. Nat. Acad.

"Should be used by every teacher of Drawing in America."—City Item, Phila.

"We wish that Madame Cave had published this work half a century ago, that we might have been instructed in this enviable accomplishment."—Harper's Mag.


This work was referred, by the French Minister of Public Instruction, to a commission of ten eminent artists and officials, whose report, written by M. Delacroix, was unanimously adopted, endorsing and approving the work. The Minister, thereupon, by a decree, authorized the use of it in the French Normal schools.

G. P. Putnam & Sson have also just received from Paris specimens of the materials used in this method, which they can supply to order. I. The Gauzes (framed) are now ready. Price $1 each. With discount to teachers. II. The Stand for the gauze. Price $1.50. III. Méthode Cavé, pour apprendre a dessiner juste et de memoire d'apres les principes d' Albert Durer et de Leonardo da Vinci. Approved by the Minister of Public Instruction, and by Messrs. Delacroix, H. Vernet, etc. In 8 series, folio, paper covers. Price $2.25 each.

N.B.—The Crayons, Paper, and other articles mentioned in the Cavé Method may be obtained of any dealer in Artist's Materials. Samples of the French Articles may be seen at 561 Broadway.

CHADBOURNE. NATURAL THEOLOGY; or, Nature and the Bible from the same Author. Lectures delivered before the Lowell Institute, Boston. By P. A. Chadbourne, A.M., M.D., President of University of Wisconsin. 12mo, cloth, $2. Student's edition, $1.75.

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