Page:Beat waves.pdf/3

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3. Before proceeding further with the interpretation of when is a function of time we should perhaps remark that in order that the procedure may at all have an unambiguous meaning it is necessary that two conditions be satisfied. First that does not change appreciably during a time of the order and second that the interval be large compared to . We shall assume in our further discussions that these conditions are in fact satisfied. Accordingly we can subdivide the interval into a large number of subintervals such that each of these intervals are large compared to but small compared to . Under these circumstances, the number of waves counted during the interval can be written as


where denotes a value of included in the interval . One further remark should be made concerning equation (6) to avoid possible misunderstandings: During the interval must always remain of the same sign: otherwise the conditions we have stated will not be met. Hence, under the conditions of the problem equation (6) can be replaced by


Moreover, it is also clear that to a sufficient approximation we can replace the summation in the foregoing formula by an integral and obtain


Substituting for from equation (2) we finally have
