Page:Beauties of Burn's poems.pdf/106

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We've worn to crazy years thegither;
We'll toyte about wi' aneanither,
Wi' tentie care I'll flit thy tether
To some hain'd rig,
Whar ye may nobly rax your leather
Wi' sma' fatigue.

Divider from 'The Beauties of Burn's Poems' a chapbook printed in Falkirk in 1819
Divider from 'The Beauties of Burn's Poems' a chapbook printed in Falkirk in 1819


Gie him strong drink, until he wink,
That's sinking in despair;
And liquor gude, to fire his blude,
That's prest wi' grief and care;
There let him bouse, and deep carouse,
Wi' bumpers flowing oʻer,
Till he forgets his loves or debts,
And minds his griefs no more.
Solomon's Proverbs, xxxi. 6, 7.

Let other Poets raise a fracas
'Bout vines, and wines, and drucken Bacchus,
And crabbit names and stories wrack us,
And grate our lug;
I sing the juice Scots bear can mak us,
In glass or jug.

O, thou my Muse! gude auld Scotch Drink,
Whether thro' wimpling-worms thou jink,
Or, richly brown, reant o'er the brink
In glorious faem,
Inspire me till I lisp and wink,
To sing thy name!