Page:Beauties of Burn's poems.pdf/111

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To the Scottish Representatives in the House of Commons.

Dearest of Distillation! last and bestǃ——
——How art thou lostǃ——
Parody on Milton.

Ye Scottish Lords, ye Knights and 'Squires,
Wha represent our Burghs and Shires,
And doucely manage our affairs
In Parliament,
To you a simple Poet's pray'rs
Are humbly sent.

Alas! my rupet Muse is hearse,
Your Honours' hearts wi' grief 'twad pierce,
To see her sitting on her a—
Low i' the dust,
And screechin out prosaic verse,
And like to burst!

Tell then wha hae the chief direction,
Scotland and me's in great affliction,

  1. This was wrote before the Act anent the Scotch Distilleries, of Session 1786, for which Scotland and the Author return their most grateful thanks.
