Page:Beauties of Burn's poems.pdf/122

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( 122 )

The best-laid schemes o' Mice and Men
Gang aft a-gley,
And lea'e us nought but grief and pain,
For promis'd joy.

Still thou art blest, compar'd wi' me,
The present only toucheth thee;
But, och! I backward cast my ee
On prospects drear!
And forward tho' I cannot see,
I guess and fear!

Divider from 'The Beauties of Burn's Poems' a chapbook printed in Falkirk in 1819
Divider from 'The Beauties of Burn's Poems' a chapbook printed in Falkirk in 1819


On seeing one on a Lady's Bonnet at Church.

Ha! whar ye gaun, ye crowlin ferlie?
Your impudence protects you fairly;
I canna say but ye strunt rarely
Owre gauze and lace;
Tho' faith, I fear, ye dine but sparely
On sic a place.

Ye ugly, creepin, blastit wormer,
Detested, shun'd by saint and sinner,
How dare you set a fit upon her,
Sae fine a Lady?
Gae somewhere else, and seek your dinner,
On some poor body.