Page:Beauties of Burn's poems.pdf/127

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( 127 )

Ilk hoary Hunter mourn'd a brither,
Ilk Sportsman-youth bemoan'd a father!
Yon auld grey-stane amang the heather,
Marks out his head,
Whar Burns has wrote, in rhymin blether,
"Tam Samson's dead!"

There low he lies in lasting rest;
Perhaps upon his mould'ring breast
Some spitefu' muirfowl bigs her nest,
To hatch and breed;
Alas! nae mair he'll them molest,
Tam Samson's dead!

When August winds the heather wave,
And Sportsmen wander by yon grave,
Three vollies let his mem'ry crave,
O' pouther and lead,
Till echo answer frae her grave,
Tam Samson's dead!

Heav'n rest his saul, whare'er he be,
Is the wish o'mony mae than me;
He had twa fauts, or maybe three,
Yet what remead?
Ae social honest man want we,
Tam Samson's dead!


Tam Samson's weel-worn clay here lies,
Ye canting Zealots spare him;
If Honest Worth in Heaven rise,
Ye'll mend or ye win near him.