Page:Beauties of Burn's poems.pdf/15

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( 15 )

Waes me for Johnny God's hole[1] new,
Quoth I, if that thae news be true!
His braw calf-ward. whare gowans grew
        Sae white and bonny,
Nae doubt they'll rive it wi' the plow;
        They'll ruin Johnny!

The creature grain'd an eldritch laugh,
And says, Ye needa yoke the plough,
Kirkyards will soon be till'd enough,
        Tak ye nae fear:
They'll a' be treach'd wi' mony a sheugh,
        In twa-three year.

Whare I kill'd ane a fair strae death,
By loss o' blude, or want o' breath,
This night I'ın free to tak my aith,
        That Hornbook's skill
Has clad a score i' their last claith,
         By drap and pill.

An honest, wabster to his trade,
Wha's wife's twa nieves were scarce weel-bred,
Gat tippence worth to mend her head,
        When it was sair;
The wife slade cannie to her bed,
        But ne'er spak mair!

A countra Laird had taen the bats,
Or some curmurring in his gats,
His only son for Hornbook sets,
        And pays him well;

  1. The Grave-digger.
