Page:Beauties of Burn's poems.pdf/27

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( 27 )

And though the gentry first are stechin,
Yet een the ha' fock fill their pechan
Wi' sauce, ragouts, and sicklike trashtrie,
That's little short o' downright waistrie,
Our whipper-inn, wee blastit wonner,
Boor worthless elf, it eats a dinner
Better than ony tenant man
His Honour has in a' the lan'!
And what poor cot-fock put their painch in.
I own it's past my comprehension.

Trowth. Cæsar. whyles they're fash't enough:
A cotter howkin in a sheugh,
Wi' dirty stanes biggin a dyke,
Baring a quary, and sicklike,
Himsel, a wife, he thus sustains,
A smytrie o' wee duddie weans,
And nought but his han'-daurg, to keep
Them right and tight in thack and rape.
And when they meet wi' sair disasters,
Like loss o' health, or want o' masters,
Ye maist wad think a wee touch langer,
And they maun starve o' cauld and hunger:
But how it comes, I never kend yet,
They're maistly wonderfu' contented;
And buirdly chiels, and clever hizzies,
Are bred in sic a way as this is.

But then, to see how ye're neglectit,
How huff'd, and cuff'd, and disrespectit!
L—d, man, our gentry care as little
For delvers, ditchers, as for cattle;
They gang as saucy by poor fock,
As I wad by a stinking brock.
