Page:Beauties of Burn's poems.pdf/34

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( 34 )

The twa appear'd like sisters twiu,
In feature, form, and claes!
Their visage, wither'd, lang and thin,
And sour as ony slaes;
The third cam up, hap-stap-and-loup,
As light as ony lambie,
And wi' a kurtchie low did stoop,
As soon as e'er she saw me,
Fu' kind that day.

Wi' bannet aff, quoth I, 'Sweet lass,
'I think ye seen to ken me;
'I'm sure I've seen that bonny face,
'But yet I canna name ye.'
Quo' she, and laughing as she spak,
And taks me by the hands,
'Ye, for my sake, hae gi'en the feek
'Of a' the ten commands
'A screed some day.

'My name is Fun—your cronie dear,
'The nearest friend ye hae;
'And this is Superstition here,
'And that's Hypocrisy.
'I'm gaun to ——— Holy Fair,
'To spend an hour in daffin:
'Gin ye'll gae there, yon runkl'd pair,
'We will get famous laughin
At them this day.

Quoth I, 'with all my heart I'll do't;
'I'll get my Sunday's sark on,
'And meet you on the holy spot:
'Faith we'se hae fine remarkin!'
Then I gaed hame at crowdie-time,
And soon I made me ready.