Page:Beauties of Burn's poems.pdf/38

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( 38 )

Altho' his carnal wit and sense
Like hafflins-way o'ercomes him
At times that day.

Now butt and ben the change-louse fills,
Wi' yill-cap commentators:
Here's crying out for bakes and gills,
And there the pint-stoup clatters;
While thick and thrang, and loud and lang,
Wi Logic, and wi' Scripture,
They raise a din that, in the end,
Is like to breed a rupture
O' wrath that day.

Leeze me on Drink! it gies us mair
Than either School or College;
It kindles Wit, it waukens Lair,
It pangs us fu' o' Knowledge:
Be't whisky-gill, or penny-wheep,
Or ony stronger potion,
It never fails, on drinking deep,
To kittle up our notion
By night or day.

The lads and lasses, blythely bent
To mind baith saul and body,
Sit round the table, weel content,
And steer about the toddy.
On this ane's dress, and that ane's leuk,
They're making observations;
While some are cozie in the neuk,
And forming assignations
To meet some day.

But now the L—d's ain trumpet touts,
Till all the hills are rairin,
And echoes back return the shouts;
Black ——— is na spairin;