Page:Beauties of Burn's poems.pdf/54

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When click! the string the sneck did draw,
And jee the door gaed to the wa';
And by my ingle-lowe I saw,
Now bleezing bright,
A tight outlandish hizzie, braw,
Come full in sight.

Ye needna doubt I held my whisht;
The infant aith, half-form'd, was crusht;
I glowr'd as eerie's I'd been dusht
In some wild glen:
When sweet, like modest Worth, she blusht,
And stappet ben.

Green slender leaf-clad holly boughs,
Were twisted gracefu' round her brows;
I took her for some Scottish Muse,
By that same token;
And come to stap these reckless vows
Wad soon been broken.

A hair-brain'd sentimental trace
Was strongly marked in her face;
A wildly-witty, rustic grace,
Shone full upon her:
Her ee, ev'n turn'd on empty space,
Beam'd keen wi' honour.

Down flow'd her robe, a tartan sheen,
Till hauf a leg was scrimply seen;
And sic a leg! my bonny Jean
Could only peer it;
Sae straight, sae taper, tight, and clean,
Nane else can near it.