Page:Beauties of Burn's poems.pdf/61

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( 61 )

I saw thee eye the gen'ral mirth
With boundless love.

When ripen'd fields, and azure skies,
Call'd forth the Reaper's rustling noise,
I saw thee leave their ev'ning joys,
And lonely stalk,
To vent thy bosom's swelling rise
In pensive walk.

When youtfu' Love, warm-blushing strong,
Keen-shivering shot thy nerves along,
Those accents, grateful to thy tongue,
Th' adored name,
I taught thee how to pour in song,
To soothe thy flame.

I saw thy pulse's maddening play,
Wild send the pleasure's devious way,
Misled by Fancy's meteor ray,
By passion driven;
But yet the light that led astray,
Was light from Heaven.

I taught the manners-painting strains,
The Loves, the ways of simple swains,
Till now, owre all my wide domains,
Thy fame extends:
And some, the pride of Coila's plains,
Become thy friends.

Thou canst not learn, nor can I show,
To paint with Thomson's landscape glow;
Or wake the bosom-melting throe
With Shenstone's art;