Page:Beauties of Burn's poems.pdf/67

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( 67 )

Ye Pow'rs wha mak mankind your care,
And dish them out their bill o' fare,
Auld Scotland wants nae skinkin ware,
That janps in luggies;
But, if ye wish her gratefu' pray'r,
Gie her a Haggies.

Divider from 'The Beauties of Burn's Poems' a chapbook printed in Falkirk in 1819
Divider from 'The Beauties of Burn's Poems' a chapbook printed in Falkirk in 1819


Thoughts, words; and deeds,
The Statute blames with reason;
But surely Dreams
Were ne'er indicted Treason.

[On reading, in the public papers, the Laureat's Ode, with the other Parade of June 4, 1786 the Author was no sooner dropt asleep. than he imagined himself transported to the Birth-day Levee; and, in his dreaming fancy, made the following Address.]

Gude-Morning to your Majesty!
May Heav'n augment your blisses,
On every new Birth-day ye see,
A humble Bardie wishes:
My Bardship here, at your Levee,
On sic a day as this is,
Is sure an uncouth sight to see,
Amang the Birth-day dresses
She fine this day.