Page:Beauties of Burn's poems.pdf/73

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( 73 )

But O——— aft made her yell,
And R——— sair misca'd her
This day M'——— taks the flail,
And he's the boy will blaud her:
He'll clap a shangan to her tail,
And set the bairns to daud her
Wi' dirt that day.

Make haste and turn king David owre,
And lilt wi' holy clangour;
O' double verse come gie us four,
And skirl up the Bangor:
This day the Kirk kicks up a stoure,
Nae mair the knaves shall wrang her,
For Heresy is in her pow'r,
And gloriously she'll whang her
Wi' pith that day.

Come, let a proper text be read,
And touch it aff wi' vigour,
How graceless Ham[1] leugh at his dad,
Which made Canaan a Niger;
Or Phineas[2] drove the murdering blade,
Wi' wh-re-abhoring rigour;
Or Zipporah[3], the scaulding jade,
Was like a bluidy tiger
I' the Inn that day.

There, try his mettle on the Creed,
And bind him down wi' caution,