Page:Beautiful old song of The babes in the wood.pdf/2

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Now ponder well ye parents dear,
the words which I shall write,
A dismal story you shall hear,
brought forth in time to light.
A merchant of no small account,
in England dwelt of late,
Who did in riches far surmount
most men of his estate.

Yet sickness came and he must die,
no help his life could save,
His wife by him as sick did ly,
and both possest onegrave.
No love between these two was lost
each was to other kind,
In love they liv'd, in love they died,
and left two babes behind:

The one a fine and pretty boy,
not passing three years old:
The other a girl more young than he,
and framed in beautys mould.
The father left his little son,
as plainly doth appear,
When he to perfect age should come,
three thousand pounds a year.