Page:Beautiful old song of The babes in the wood.pdf/6

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The other wont agree thereto,
so here they fall to strife,
With one another they did fight,
about the childrens life:
And he that was of mildest mood,
did slay the other there,
Within an unfrequented wood,
while babes did quake for fear.

He took the children by the hand,
tears standing in their eye,
And bade them straight away follow him,
and look they did not cry.
And two long miles he led them on,
while they for food complain,
Stay here quoth he l l bring you bread,
when I return again.

These pretty babes with hand in hand,
went wandering up and down,
But never more could the man
approaching from the town:
Their pretty lips wth black-berries,
were all besmeard and lyed,
And when they saw the darksome night,
they sat them down and cried.