Page:Behind the scenes, or, Thirty years a slave and four years in the White House.djvu/279

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Behind the Scenes.

"But you forget. They do not know you. Mrs. Lincoln would be treated differently from Mrs. Clarke."

"True, I do forget. "Well, I suppose I shall have to put up with the annoyances. Why did you not come to me yesterday, Lizzie? I was almost crazy when I reached here last night, and found you had not arrived. I sat down and wrote you a note—I felt so badly—imploring you to come to me immediately."

This note was afterwards sent to me from Washington. It reads as follows:

"St. Denis Hotel, Broadway, N. T.
"Wednesday, Sept. 17th.

"My dear Lizzie:—I arrived here last evening in utter despair at not finding you. I am frightened to death, being here alone. Come, I pray you, by next train. Inquire for

"Mrs. Clarke,
"Room 94, 5th or 6th Story.