jewels. The poor ſoul that was black by lying among the pots, when clothed with this robe, ſhines as the wings of a dove covered with ſilver and her feathers with yellow gold.
5thly. It is an everlaſting righteouſneſs, as the prophet Daniel calls it, chap. ix 24. Indeed this righteouſneſs had no being ſave in the purpoſe and promiſe of God, till Chriſt actually appeared in our nature, and ſatisfied the commands of the law, and demands of juſtice; however, upon that very being that it had in the purpoſe and promiſe of God, it became effectual for the juſtification of all the old-teſtament ſaints. This righteouſneſs then, I ſay, is an everlasting righteouſneſs, both as to the contrivance and duration of it. The contrivance of it bears date from the council of peace in the antient years of eternity; For the Surety was ſet up from everlasting. And as it is everlaſting in its root, ſo alſo in its fruit; for, upon this righteouſneſs, the ſaints will ſtand and be aſſoil'd at the day of judgment; and, upon this bottom, they will have their ſtanding in heaven through eternity. The ſong of the redeemed for ever will be, 'He loved us, and waſhed us with his blood.'
6thly, It is a ſoul dignifying and exalting righteouſneſs. Solomon, Prov. xxv. 4. ſpeaking of equity in the adminiſtration of Juſtice, ſays, that even that king of righteouſneſs exalteth a nation. I am ſure this holds true in the imputed righteouſneſs of Christ, as you ſee in my text, In thy righteouſneſs ſhall they be exalted. But this leads to the
Third thing in the method, which was to ſpeak of the believer's exaltation by virtue of