from Satan, or tribulation from the world? improve this righteouſneſs, and ſit down under the ſhadow of it. It is as the ſhadow of a great rock in a weary land. Wanteſt thou courage to look the law or juſtice of God in the face? Here is a fund for it; under this covering you may look out with confidence and ſay, Who can lay any thing to my charge? Wanteſt thou to have the new covenant confirmed to thy ſoul? improve this righteouſneſs by faith: for Chriſt, by his obedience and death, confirmed the covenant with many. His blood is the blood of the new teſtament, and when the ſoul by faith takes hold of it, the covenant of grace is that moment confirmed unto it for ever.
In a word, by virtue of this righteouſneſs, thou mayeſt come to a communion table, and to throne of grace, and aſk what thou wilt, our heavenly Father can refuſe nothing to the younger brethren, who come to him in their elder Brother's garment. By virtue of this righteouſneſs thou mayeſt lay claim to every thing, and to all the bleſſings of heaven and eternity; thou didſt indeed forfeit thy right in the firſt Adam, but the forfeiture is recovered, and the right reſtored to thee, upon a better ground, namely upon the obedience and death of the ſecond Adam; and thou comeſt in upon his right. May not all this then revive thy drooping ſpirit? And make the take up that ſong in the text? "In thy name will I rejoice all the day, and in thy righteouſneſs will I be exalted."