Page:Bells and pomegranates, 1st series (IA bellspomegranate00brow).pdf/191

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Dramatic Lyrics.

"Of some lone shore with its pearl-seed
"That the sea feels"—no "strange yearning
"That such souls have, most to lavish
"When there's chance of least returning."

Oh, we're sunk enough here, God knows!
But not quite so sunk that moments,
Sure tho' seldom, are denied us,
When the spirit's true endowments
Stand plain out from its false ones,
And apprise it if pursuing
The right way or the wrong way,
To its triumph or undoing.

There are flashes struck from midnights,
There are fire-flames noondays kindle,
Whereby piled-up honours perish,
Whereby swoln ambitions dwindle,
While this or that poor impulse,
Which for once had played unstifled,
Seems the sole work of a life-time
Away the rest have trifled.

Doubt you if, in some such moment,
As she fixed me, she felt clearly,
Ages past the soul existed,
Here an age 'tis resting merely,
Hence, fleets again for ages:
And the true end, sole and single,