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Page:Bench and bar of Colorado - 1917.djvu/50

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The bench and Bar of Colorado

Without boasting, it may be said that our Association has striven constantly and with some measure of success towards the attainment of these ends, and that some of them, at least, are in a fair way towards accomplishment. The Association, through the voluntary contributions of its members, in the shape of three dollars set aside from every five dollars paid in, as the annual dues of each member, has expended ten thousand dollars on its law library in the court house, and is continuing to add to the library at the rate of about one thousand dollars per year. In addition to this, the City and County, in the earlier and more struggling days of the library, generously contributed three thousand dollars toward this fund, and still provides the library quarters in the court house.

"Cordial intercourse among the lawyers of Denver" has been cultivated, not only by the banquets, but by monthly luncheons, which it has been the custom during the past few years to hold. At these we have entertained and have heard interesting talks from many prominent visitors, and have discussed timely topics of local and professional interest, and have become better acquainted, judges and lawyers meeting in friendly companionship.

At the meetings, in the earlier days, the secretary's record shows that frequent adjournments had to be taken for lack of a quorum, a quorum consisting of thirteen members. In these later days we have had as many as one hundred seventy-five lawyers and judges at a single luncheon meeting. The present membership of the Association is four hundred thirty-three, constituting a large majority of the lawyers in active practice in the city; and there is no sign that in the increase of numbers and of money there has been any loss in effectiveness in upholding the honor of the profession, and in serving the administration of justice in this community.