TYSON S. DINES Born, Fayette, Missouri, November 29, 1858; A.B., Central College, Missouri, 1879; A.M., 1880; married Katharine Mauzey, Brunswick, Missouri, February, 1881; Principal and Superintendent of grade and high schools, Brunswick and Chariton, Missouri, 1880-84; admitted to Missouri Bar, 1884; Colorado Bar, 1892; counsel for various railroads during Missouri practice; member Denver School Board two terms; trustee, State Home Dependent and Neglected Children under four Governors; trustee, Phipps Sanitarium; executor and trustee W. S. Stratton estate; Lecturer on Law and Evidence, Denver University, 1898-1904; now senior member firm Dines, Dines & Holme. |
WILLIAM R. EATON Born, Pugwash, Nova Scotia, December 17, 1877; graduate Denver University; married Leila S. Carter, September, 1909; admitted Colorado Bar, 1909; Deputy District Attorney, Denver, 1909-13; State Senator, First District, 1915-19; First Lieutenant and Adjutant, First Squadron, Cavalry, Colorado National Guard, 1903-04; member Denver Athletic Club, University Club; National Alumni Secretary, Kappa Sigma, 1913; member Maple Leaf Club, Masonic orders, Denver Civic and Commercial Association, American, Colorado and Denver Bar Associations. National Security League. |
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The Bench and Bar of Colorado