Page:Bengal Celebrities.djvu/218

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Dr. Ashutosh Mukherjee is one of those few men who, though they have risen high, have never met with reverses. . He had fully deserved the honours that have been heaped upon him ever since his boyhood, That Jiis abilities are of a very rare order has been abundantly shown by a career of almost uniform success. Success such as his can be due only to capabilities of a very high order. Not to speak of the other aspedts of his successful life, the mere facts that Dr. Mukherjee is a High Court Judge whose judgments com- mand th* admiration and praise of even Jhe most mischievously dis % posed critics or that he was a VnkiT who for years practised his pro- fession to the entire satisfaction both of his client and the judges amply prove that his learning erudition and abilities are such as are very rarely to Ufe seen m men of the present day. That he won high laurels as a student, that he was for years a very successful Vakil, that in the^ university he has 6ccupied a unique place now for several years, that as a judge he has been very highly praised for his singu- larly meritorious judgments all this is due to high natural gifts aided by strenuous industry. The original researches made by Dr. Mukher- jee in the department of mathematics, when he was only a student attracted jhe attention of the professors at Cambridge one of the " leading centres of the study of mathematics. He also did much service to the cause of legislation as a member, of the legislative councils both of Bengal and of India. His speech about the Olficial Secrets Act won the admiration even of his antagonists. His sound criticisms of the Universities Bill, based on a strong common sense showed a clear and penetrating insight into all affairs relatting to the university. Dr. Ashutosh Mukherjee was born at Bhowanipore in the yeai 1864. His father Dr. Gtmga Prasad Mokherjee, was a successful