[mǣre][1] gemēting, monegum fīra,
hwylc [orleg-]hwīl[2] uncer Grendles
wearð on ðām wange, þǣr hē worna fela
Sige-Scyldingum sorge gefremede,
2005yrmðe tō aldre; ic ðæt eall gewræc,
swā [ne] gylpan[3] þearf Grendeles māga
[ǣnig][4] ofer eorðan ūht-hlem þone,
sē þe lengest leofað lāðan cynnes
f[enne] bifongen.[5] Ic ðǣr furðum cwōm
2010tō ðām hring-sele Hrōðgār grētan;
sōna mē se mǣra mago Healfdenes,
syððan hē mōd-sefan mīnne cūðe,
wið his sylfes sunu setl getǣhte.
Weorod wæs on wynne; ne seah ic wīdan feorh
2015under heofones hwealf heal-sittendra
medu-drēam māran. Hwīlum mǣru cwēn,
friðu-sibb folca, flet eall geond-hwearf,
bǣdde byre geonge; oft hīo bēah-wriðan
secge *[sealde],[6] ær hīo tō setle gēong.Fol. 174b.
2020Hwīlum for [d]uguðe[7] dohtor Hrōðgāres
eorlum on ende ealu-wǣge bær,
þā ic Frēaware flet-sittende
- ↑ 2001. MS. defective at corner, and in l. 2002. Grein ‘[mǣre].’
- ↑ 2002. Thorpe ‘[orleg-].’
- ↑ 2006. MS. defective at edge, and in ll. 2007, 2009. Grein ‘begylpan [ne].’ In favour of this reading, A has ‘swabe,’ B ‘swal,’ and I can find no other instance of gielpan with an accus.; against it, begielpan is found in no other edited text, and it supposes an omission where there is no gap in the MS.
- ↑ 2007. Kemble ‘[ænig].’
- ↑ 2009. A ‘fæ‘ and a blank; B ‘fer..’; Kemble ‘fǣr-bifongen’ (so Wülcker); Grundtvig ‘fenne bifongen’ (so Heyne).
- ↑ 2019. MS. defective at corner. MS. ‘hie.’
- ↑ 2020. MS. defective at edge, and in ll. 2023, 2024, 2026.