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Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/112

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sārum wordum,  oð ðæt sǣl cymeð,
þæt se fǣmnan þegn  fore fæder dǣdum
2060æfter billes bite  blōd-fāg swefeð,
ealdres scyldig;  him se ōðer þonan
losað *[li]figende,[1]  con him land geare.Fol. 175b.
Þonne bīoð brocene[2]  on bā healfe
āð-sweord[3] eorla,  [syð]ðan Ingelde
2065weallað wæl-nīðas,  ond him wīf-lufan
æfter cear-wælmum  cōlran weorðað.
Þȳ ic Heaðobear[d]na[4]  hyldo ne telge,
dryht-sibbe dǣl,  Denum unfǣcne,
frēond-scipe fæstne.  Ic sceal forð sprecan
2070gēn ymbe Grendel,  þæt ðū geare cunne,
sinces brytta,  tō hwan syððan wearð
hond-rǣs hæleða.  Syððan heofones gim
glād ofer grundas,  gæst yrre cwōm,
eatol ǣfen-grom,  ūser nēosan,
2075ðǣr wē gesunde  sæl weardodon.
þǣr wæs Hondscīo  hild[5] onsǣge,
feorh-bealu fǣgum;  hē fyrmest læg,
gyrded cempa;  him Grendel wearð,
mǣrum magu-þegne,[6]  tō mūð-bonan,
2080lēofes mannes  līc eall forswealg.

  1. 2062. MS. defective at corner and edge here and in two following lines. A ‘figende’; Thorkelin ‘wīgende’ (so most editors); Heyne ‘lifigende’ (so Zupitza).
  2. 2063. AB ‘orocene’ (B with a stop before it); Kemble ‘[ā]brocene’ (so Zupitza); other editors as text.
  3. 2064. Zupitza ‘að-sweorð.’ His foot-note runs: “There is a stroke through d in sweord, but without the usual head, nor is it quite distinct.”
  4. 2067. MS. ‘heaðo bearna.’
  5. 2076. MS. ‘hilde.’ In support of Rieger’s emendation cf. l. 2483.
  6. 2079. MS. ‘mærū magū (i.e. magum) þegne.’ But see ll. 293, 408, etc. The mistake is due to “repetition.” In l. 158 we have the opposite error of “anticipation.”