bord ond byrnan. Nelle ic beorges weard
2525oferflēon fōtes trem,[1]
ac unc sceal weorðan æt wealle, swā unc wyrd getēoð,
Metod manna gehwæs. Ic eom on mōde from,
þæt ic wið þone gūð-flogan gylp ofersitte.
Gebīde gē on beorge byrnum werede,
2530secgas on searwum, hwæðer sēl mæge
æfter wæl-rǣse wunde gedȳgan
uncer twēga. Nis þæt ēower sīð,
ne gemet mannes nefn[e][2] mīn ānes,
þæt[3] hē wið āglǣcean eofoðo dǣle
2535eorl-scype efne. Ic mid elne sceall
gold gegangan, oððe gūð nimeð,
feorh-bealu frēcne, frēan ēowerne.”
Ārās ðā bī ronde rōf ōretta,
heard under helme, hioro-sercean bær
2540under stān-cleofu, strengo getrūwode
ānes mannes; ne bið swylc earges sīð.
Geseah ðā be wealle, *sē ðe worna fela,Fol. 186b.
gum-cystum gōd, gūða gedīgde,
hilde-hlemma, þonne hnitan fēðan,
2545sto[n]dan[4] stān-bogan, strēam ūt þonan
brecan of beorge; wæs þǣre burnan wælm
heaðo-fȳrum hāt; ne meahte horde nēah
unbyrnende ǣnige hwīle
dēop gedȳgan for dracan lēge.
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