Geworhton ðā Wedra lēode
hl[ǣw][1] on [h]liðe,[2] sē wæs hēah ond brād,
[wǣ]g-līðendum wīde g[e]sȳne,[3]
ond betimbredon on tȳn dagum
3160beadu-rōfes bēcn; bronda lāfe[4]
wealle beworhton, swā hyt weorðlīcost
fore-snotre men findan mihton.
Hī on beorg dydon bēg ond siglu,
eall swylce hyrsta, swylce on horde ǣr
3165nīð-hēdige men genumen hæfdon;
forlēton eorla gestrēon eorðan healdan,
gold on grēote, þǣr hit nū gēn lifað
eldum swā unnyt, swā hi[t ǣro]r wæs.[5]
Þā ymbe hlǣw riodan hilde-dēore
3170æþelinga bearn ealra twelfa,
woldon [ceare][6] cwīðan, kyning mǣnan,
word-gyd wrecan, ond ymb w[er][7] sprecan;
- ↑ 3157. Zupitza ‘hi : : on liðe,’ and in a foot-note: “I am unable to make out hlæw after leode: the two last letters seem to me to be rather eo.” See l. 3169.
- ↑ Thorpe ‘hliðe.’
- ↑ 3158. The remainder of this page is frequently illegible or defective, both at the edges and elsewhere.
- ↑ 3160. Heyne: “be lāfe—so MS. nach Zupitza.” This is an error; Zupitza has no be.
- ↑ 3168. Zupitza ‘hi : : : : r.’ Kemble’s emendation.
- ↑ 3171. Zupitza ‘: : : :’; Grein ‘ceare.’ Possibly the missing word is wōpe, as in “Gen.” 996.
- ↑ 3172. Zupitza ‘w : :’; Grein ‘wer.’
æfter Bēowulfe bunden-heorde
song sorg-cearig, sǣde geneahhe,
þæt hīo hyre hearm-dagas hearde ondrēde,
wæl-fylla worn, wīgendes egesan,
hȳnðo ond hæft-nyd, hēof on rīce wealg.
He adds: “For the whole passage cf. ll. 3016—20. Beowulf’s aged widow (gēo-mēowle) was perhaps Hygd; cf. ll. 2369 ff.