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Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/160

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Geworhton ðā  Wedra lēode
hl[ǣw][1] on [h]liðe,[2]  sē wæs hēah ond brād,
[wǣ]g-līðendum  wīde g[e]sȳne,[3]
ond betimbredon  on tȳn dagum
3160beadu-rōfes bēcn;  bronda lāfe[4]
wealle beworhton,  swā hyt weorðlīcost
fore-snotre men  findan mihton.
Hī on beorg dydon  bēg ond siglu,
eall swylce hyrsta,  swylce on horde ǣr
3165nīð-hēdige men  genumen hæfdon;
forlēton eorla gestrēon  eorðan healdan,
gold on grēote,  þǣr hit nū gēn lifað
eldum swā unnyt,  swā hi[t ǣro]r wæs.[5]
Þā ymbe hlǣw riodan  hilde-dēore
3170æþelinga bearn  ealra twelfa,
woldon [ceare][6] cwīðan,  kyning mǣnan,
word-gyd wrecan,  ond ymb w[er][7] sprecan;

    æfter Bēowulfe  bunden-heorde
    song sorg-cearig,  sǣde geneahhe,
    þæt hīo hyre hearm-dagas  hearde ondrēde,
    wæl-fylla worn,  wīgendes egesan,
    hȳnðo ond hæft-nyd,  hēof on rīce wealg.

    He adds: “For the whole passage cf. ll. 3016—20. Beowulf’s aged widow (gēo-mēowle) was perhaps Hygd; cf. ll. 2369 ff.

  1. 3157. Zupitza ‘hi : : on liðe,’ and in a foot-note: “I am unable to make out hlæw after leode: the two last letters seem to me to be rather eo.” See l. 3169.
  2. Thorpe ‘hliðe.’
  3. 3158. The remainder of this page is frequently illegible or defective, both at the edges and elsewhere.
  4. 3160. Heyne: “be lāfe—so MS. nach Zupitza.” This is an error; Zupitza has no be.
  5. 3168. Zupitza ‘hi : : : : r.’ Kemble’s emendation.
  6. 3171. Zupitza ‘: : : :’; Grein ‘ceare.’ Possibly the missing word is wōpe, as in “Gen.” 996.
  7. 3172. Zupitza ‘w : :’; Grein ‘wer.’