þæt hīe[1] swā frēolīc feorh forman sīþe
20tō ðǣre healle durum hyrsta ne bǣran,
nū hyt nīþa heard ānyman wolde;
ac hē frægn ofer eal undearninga,
dēor-mōd hæleð, hwā ðā duru hēolde.
“Sigeferþ is mīn nama (cweð he), ic eom Secgena lēod,
25wreccea wīde cūð. Fela ic wēana[2] gebād,
heardra[3] hilda; ðē is gyt hēr witod,
swæðer ðū sylf tō mē sēcean wylle.”
Þā wæs on wealle[4] wæl-slihta gehlyn,
sceolde cellod bord cēnum on handa,[5]
30bān-helm berstan. Buruh-ðelu dynede,
ōð [þæt] æt ðǣre gūðe Gārulf gecrang,
ealra ǣrest eorð-būendra,
Gūðlāfes sunu, ymbe hyue gōdra fela.
Hwarf [f]lacra hrǣw[6] hræfen, wandrode
35sweart and sealo-brün; swurd-lēoma stōd
swylce eal Finns-buruh fȳrenu wǣre.
Ne gefrægn ic nǣfre wurþlīcor æt wera hilde
sixtig sige-beorna sēl gebǣran,
ne nǣfre swānas swētne medo[7] sēl forgyldan,
40ðonne Hnæfe guldan his hæg-stealdas.
Hig fuhton fīf dagas, swā hyra nān ne fēol
driht-gesīða, ac hig ðā duru hēoldon.
Þā gewāt him wund hæleð on wæg gangan,
sǣde þæt his byrne ābrocen wǣre,
45here-sceorp unhrōr,[8] and ēac wæs his helm ðȳrl.
Ðā hine sōna frægn folces hyrde,
hū ðū wīgend hyra wunda genǣson,
oððe hwæþer ðǣra hyssa ***
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