In the accompanying table is presented the nomenclatural and taxonomic schema of the genus Shigella as proposed by Ewing (Jour. Bact., 57, 1949, 633), as modified by the Shigella Commission in 1950 and as amended and extended by that Commission in 1953 (En- terobacteriaceae Subcommittee Reports, 1954). The schema is based in part upon biochenical characteristics, in part upo intragroup antigenic relationships and in part upon tradition. In this text Arabic nunmerals instead of Roman numerals have been enmployed to designate serotypes; this change was made to avoid possible confusion between the letters V and X and the Roman numerals V and X. However, when writing the formula for a Shigella serotype, Roman numerals have still been employed to designate the type-specific antigen.
NOMENCLATURE OF SEROSUBGROUPS AND SEROTYPES OF SPECIES or Shigella (Edwards and Ewing, Identification of Enterobacteriaceae. Burgess Publ. Co., Minneapolis, 1955, Fig. 4, 99.) Reprinted by permission.
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