Achilles, The, of Zeno, 252.
Action, and pure knowledge, xvii; and pure memory, planes of, 210; and time, 23; necessary, 6; needs of, and bodies, 261; orientation of consciousness towards, 233; plane of, 130, 217; possible, 7; real and virtual, 310; reflex and voluntary, 81; the true point of departure, 67; useful, and pure knowledge, 262; virtual and real, 57.
Actual sensation and pure memory differ in kind, 179.
Adaptation, the general aim of life, 96.
Adler, 143.
Affection, 310; always localized, 61; and perception, difference between, 53; has, from the outset, some extensity, 61; impurity in perception, 60; its source, 57.
Affective states, vaguely localized, 52.
Amnesia, retrogressive, 224.
Amnesias, systematized, 222.
Aphasia, 231; cases of, 139; conception of, xv; diagrams of sensory, 156; sensory, 149; sensory, evidence from certain forms of, 139.
Aphasias, the true, 151.
Apraxia, 111.
Arrow, The, of Zeno, 252.
Association, not the primary fact, 215; of ideas, in what it consists, 103; of ideas, laws of, 212; of perceptions with memory, 106.
Associations, of similarity and contiguity, 212 ff.
Attention, and recognition, 119; a power of analysis, 124; compared to telegraph-clerk, 123; first, an adaptation of the body, 120; negatively, inhibition of movement, 120; perception and memory, relations of, 120 ff.; to life, xiv, 226; to life, conditioned by body, 225.
Atom, Faraday's theory of, 265; Kelvin's theory of, 265; modern theories of, 266; properties of, 263.
Automatic, the, and the voluntary, 145.
Automatism, no; wide range of, 99.
Babilée, 149 note.
Bain, 161.
Ballet, 144 note.
Becoming, instantaneous section of, 86.
Berkeley, and Descartes, ix; and 'mechanical philosophers,' ix; and the object, viii; on extensity, 284 ff.
Berlin, 101 note.
Blindness and deafness, psychic, 132; word, 132; psychic, 108, 111, 161; psychic, as a disturbance of motor habit, 115; psychic, two kinds of, 115; word, two kinds of, 133.
Bodies, distinct, and the needs of life, 261.
Body, a centre of action, 5, 178; a centre of perceptions, 43; and mind, relation of, 295; and soul, relation of, 234; an instrument of action, 299; an instrument of choice, 233; a moving boundary between future and past, 88; a moving, trajectory of, 246; a place of passage, 196; conditions attention to life, 225; consciousness of, is my present, 177; does not give rise to representation, 5; education of, 139; is that which fixes the mind, 226; known from within as well as from without, 1;