Page:Bessy Bell & Mary Gray.pdf/5

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Blythe, blythe, blythe was she,
Blythe was she butt and ben;
Weel she loo'd a Hawick gill,
And leugh to see a tappit hen.

I loo'd the liquor weel enough,
But waes my heart my cash ran done,
Lang or I had quench’d my drouth,
And laith was I to pawn my shoon;
Blythe, &c.

When we had three times toom’d the stoup,
And the neist chappin new begun,
Wha started in to heeze our hope,
But Andro wi his cutty gun.
Blythe, &c.

The Carlin brought her kebbuck ben,
And girdle-cakes weel toasted brown,
Weel did the cannie kimmer ken,
It gart the swats gae glibber down.
Blythe, &c.

We ca'd the bicker aft about,
Till dawin we ne’er jeed our bum;
And ay the cleanest drinker out
Was Andro wi‘ his cutty gun.
Blythe, &c.

He did like onie mavis sing,

While she below his oxter sat;