Page:Betelguese, a trip through hell.djvu/99

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Of auric realms where censers pour

Violaceous fumes thro' the air.

And in the deep-hued depths of gore,

(Blind bowels in Betelguese's hold)

Gyte vandals that a Dragon bore

Sleep with one eye as Midnight rules

These sons of Circe whom pyres adore;

Their thoughts vie with the luring fold,

Each sleepless orb glares like a boar—

Infernal hounds of shambling ghouls!

Porphyry mounts where crystals glare—

Twin carcants strung on idols' thighs

Whereon stones, blaze like fire bright,

And moonstones add their silver sheen,

A Circean draught, boiled in the air,

Is poured on cippus where Set lies;

Where vanquished Soldans sleep each night,

A greenish fungus-torch doth gleam.

Giant battles have been fought in hell,

Principalities rot in dust,

The tombs of kings speak of the past