Page:Between Two Loves.djvu/267

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"No life is waste in the Great Worker's hands."

"The thought of her came like a small bird winging the still, blue air."

"I went down into the garden to see whether the pomegranates budded."—Song of Solomon, vi, ii.

It was a painful thing to do, but a woman's love, if it be true love, never fails. Sarah went again to Jonathan. It was easy to make him understand how Steve stood in his own little world. Jonathan knew the men and women that composed it, knew their virtues and their faults, and he perceived that Steve had become an outcast from it. To tell the truth, he had not much hope of Steve; but he could not resist Sarah's anxious face, and the tears in her sorrowful eyes.

"Let him hev a fair chance, master, to put his good resolutions into practice," she pleaded; and after some debate America was chosen as the place for a fair chance. America was a
