"Now, then, about t' other mill?"
"Ay, suppose thou runs it?"
"I know nowt o' running mills."
"Money knows iverything."
"Varry true. I'll tell thee what: I'll find t' money, and thou put Ben Holden in as manager. It shall be Burley & Co., and I'll be t' 'Co.'"
"Ben hes been my right hand for many a year."
"Then it's time thou was thy own right hand. Run thy mill as well as iver thou can, and Ben and I will 'best thee,' I hevn't a doubt."
"I shouldn't wonder."
But it was finally settled thus, and Ben was highly delighted at the proposal. Still, there were necesssarily many irritating delays, especially as Aske did not recover as rapidly and thoroughly as had been hoped. And machinery had to be examined, and books gone over, and stock taken, and the lock removed, and bills called in and satisfied, and there were a hundred things to attend to, which kept not only Jonathan but the "Co." as busy as possible.
In the early summer Squire Bashpoole and his