his manner was less effusive than Ben's, its genuine kindness was just as unmistakable.
"My word," he said, "but thou art improved!" and as Jonathan came into the brighter light the improvement was very evident. Travel and rest had done wonders for him; he looked indeed many years younger than he did when he left home.
"And how is t' squire and his wife, my grand-niece?" asked Shuttleworth.
"He is very near well, and he will return home as soon as t' cold weather is over. Eleanor and Aske, why, they are t' happiest couple I iver saw now. Ben," and he turned towards his friend, "Eleanor is mistress and master both, and as for Aske, either he doesn't know it, or else he likes it so well that he'd rather say nothing against it."
"It's varry like he knows it, Jonathan, and that he enjoys it; and I wouldn't wonder but what he's a deal better and happier man as things are now."
Jonathan looked at Ben and laughed.
"Why, Ben, thou hes changed thy views a bit. Now then, uncle, how is all with thee?"
"All is much better than might be, nephew,